Current mood: lethargic
Category: Life
by Marianne Adams/Joan Evrist
I come desperate/ I come weary/ To lay my burdens down at Your feet/ And surrender all of me/ I come hungry/ I come broken/ Longing for Your touch in my life/ To fill me on the inside//
CHORUS: Only You can satisfy/ The deepest longing in my soul/ Only You can breathe new life/ And restore and make me whole/ Only You can satisfy/ Only You can satisfy//
I come grateful/ I come faith filled/ For You've done for me in my life/ Your love has set me free/ I will obey You/ I will proclaim You/ To a world in desperate need of Your love/ Only You can set them free//
BRIDGE: I praise You Lord for Your great love/ For the wonderful things You have done/ Give thanks to the Lord for He is good/ Proclaim His love forevermore
Wow!! What a song...I was singing this...well trying to, as I was on the treadmill today at the gym. I 'had church' during my workout time. Oh well, I'll take it whenever it comes. Thank You, Papi!! This song has been on my heart for a couple of weeks now; so I knew I'd write it out. I want to share it with all of my peeps bc it is truth. Why is it that we have to get to the end of our self, our efforts, our power, our pride...etc. before we finally give in and run to our Lord??? I do it over and over again...when He has been faithful so many times in the past. He IS faithful...loving...long-suffering...powerful, etc. Why is it that I continue to chase after other things/people for my deepest longings??? I know that's a dead-end...I've been down that road way too many times in my life yet I'm so prone to wander from a loving Father who is fully present with me and just waiting to fulfill my every longing if I would just invite Him in. However, I keep looking for 'it' somewhere else?? The good news is that I can turn back to Him at"