Current mood: contemplative
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
Well, I'm teaching "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" again this week It is a great course to teach and to take as a student. Anyway, in Habit 2 Begin with the End in Mind we draft our personal life mission statement. Basically what we have the students do is to write continuously for @ 5 minutes...no second guessing, correcting...just first things that come to mind. Here is my life mission statement (paragraphs)...they can be short or as long as you want. Since I'm "wordy" anyway...my statement is wordy.
My mission is to continue learning to love My Papa intimately and above all others. My mission is for my actions, attitudes, and thoughts to reflect my Papa; so others will be compelled to get to know Him for themselves (gain a personal relationship with Him). I want to share with others about God's amazing love; His forgiveness; grace, mercy and that He is a redeemer (meaning He can take all we've done and make it into something "good")...that will ultimately bring glory to God.
My mission is to share with others about the hope and peace I have no matter the circumstances...and the fact that they too can have it...FREE. All they have to "do" is surrender and ask Him for forgiveness and profess Him as the way. I want to share with (shout it out) others that God loves them the same no matter how "good" or "bad" they are being. He loves them for WHO they are versus what they DO! His love is not like human love ...a love that wavers.
My mission is to teach others about healthy ways of living--relating to others in relationship. My mission is to love others with an AGAPE love...with no "hooks"...my love is not based on or contingent on whether the person loves me back.
My mission is to have an attitude of life-long learning; to have a spirit of humility; to have a teachable, correctable spirit; to laugh often; to admit when I'm wrong or make a mistake; to be approachable, attentive listener, authentic, nurturer, giver and finally a lover of my Papa (God) and people.
Whew! That was all I could get written in 5 minutes ha! Why don't you take some time to think about what you would write as your life mission statement. It helps us to intentionally think about our priorities in life, etc. It can be as short as "I want to be the kind of person my dog already thinks I am" or as long as mine.
Currently listening:The Worship CollectionBy Craig & Dean PhillipsRelease date: 2005-02-01
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